Category Archives: Bay Area

The Growing Inequality Gap Between Regular America and Great America

In 2004, presidential candidate John Edwards spoke of there being “two Americas”, and nowhere is this more evident than in Santa Clara, California. Here, in the heart of Silicon Valley, the privileged few enjoy the luxuries of Great America, while the rest of the unwashed masses are resigned to live in regular America.


Some of the perks afforded to the one-percenters in Great America include roller coasters, corn dogs, cotton candy, and refillable souvenir cups. Ordinary Americans are able to commute to work by car or public transit, while in Great America, these lucky denizens can choose from modes of transit as fantastical as Xtreme Skyflyer, Loggers Run, Rip Roaring Rapids, or Berserker.


99% of Americans ride few to no roller coasters per day

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. also spoke of this growing gap between Great America and regular America. “There are literally two Americas. One America is beautiful for situation. And in a sense this America is overflowing with the milk of prosperity and the honey of opportunity.” said Dr. King about the fun-and-sun-filled expanses of Santa Clara’s Great America. “Tragically and unfortunately, there is another America. This other America has a daily ugliness about it that constantly transforms the buoyancy of hope into the fatigue of despair.” Dr. King’s remarkable prophecy presages the founding of the theme park by 14 years, but his words ring truer now than ever.

The statistics about this inequality are staggering. The top 1% of those in the Great America eat 40% of the world’s Laffy Taffy, and ride 90% more roller coasters per day than those in regular America. Included in Great America is a water park, Boomerang Bay, free of charge, while those who can least afford it are paying up to $49.99 for admission to Raging Waters.


Still, despite the vast differences between life in Great America and life in regular America, some one-percenters are less than apologetic. “We enjoyed all the rides. Go and try. They are the best.” says Cathy Y. on Yelp. “Price for pictures of rides is so reasonable. Food is waaaaaaaay expensive. We really love all the rides.”

If only the rest of us could be so lucky.

It’s It: What is it?

Faith No More has been asking this question for 25 years now. There are believed to be between three and five flavors. Very little is known about this self-reflexive treat.

Which Walgreens is REALLY the Best in SF?

Best Places to Not See Fireworks in SF

Wondering where to see the fireworks in the city tomorrow? We’ve got you covered.

1. Twin Peaks
2. Bernal Hill
3. Alcatraz
4. th of July!

5. Golden Gate Bridge

6. Azeroth

7. Oakland

Bay Area Sports

Think You Know Bay Area Sports? Think Again.

  • Did you know? Because the SF Giants and the Oakland Giants play in the same stadium, they are technically considered the same team.
  • The San Jose Sharks were not named after the many sharks that swim in the San Francisco Bay, but rather after their owner, billionaire Tony Sharks.
  • The 49ers get their name from the fact that there are 49 players on the team.
  • The original stadium where the Giants first played in San Francisco stood at 16th and Bryant, a location which is now a Safeway Supermarket. Once a year, the Giants play an exhibition game inside the Safeway.
  • You may have seen numerous bicyclists and runners along Embarcadero, but did you know that bicycling and running are actually considered sports? Yeah, really.
San Francisco Dog

Why SF Dog Owners Shouldn’t Have To Pick Up Poop

Next time you are taking your dog for a walk and he drops a doggie-duke, do San Francisco a favor and leave it where it lies. As a dog owner in San Francisco, I am painfully aware of all the not-so-subtle signage posted all over this ‘dog-friendly’ city letting dog owners know that it’s our responsibility to clean up after our dogs. Some parks and beaches will even go so far as to provide little plastic baggies so that private citizens can follow behind their dogs and clean up after them. Well I have to say it: Making dog owners clean up dog droppings is harmful to both the economy and the culture of San Francisco. Continue reading

5 Things To Do In Oakland Before You Die

1. Take deep breaths. Your brain can’t function properly without oxygen. Take long, deep breaths, not short ones. If you begin panting, you will increase the rush of adrenaline. Continue taking deep breaths until you agree to yourself that you can take care of the situation. If you don’t think you can handle it, even after one minute of deep breathing, get help. If you don’t think you can handle the situation, there’s no point in trying, because you’ll probably do something wrong. Call your local emergency number if you aren’t calm enough to take care of the situation after one minute of deep breathing. Don’t continue deep breaths to calm down after one minute, because waiting too long could affect the situation dramatically. In these situations, it’s either you can do it, or you can’t. Choose carefully. Continue reading