Category Archives: Bay Area

San Francisco Rent Articles On The Rise

Articles about housing prices in San Francisco are skyrocketing, and it doesn’t seem to be slowing down. 1 in 3 articles are now about rental prices in SF, up from 1 in 5 at this time last year.

“I used to be able to read Bay Area blogs and learn about burritos,” says longtime blog reader Joel Seiderman. “Now it seems like every article I read or share is about apartments and evictions. This isn’t the San Francisco I used to know.”

Mayor Ed Lee’s office has released a response to the crisis. “More needs to be done.” said Lee. “We are committed to fast-tracking articles that are not about housing costs in SF. Already we have more than 200 non-housing related articles in development, with 600 more slated for 2015.”


Startup AirDnD Allows Nerds to Rent Kitchen Tables Nightly

Most homeowners might think twice about allowing a group of goblins, wizards, and elves into their apartments. But what if it paid? New tech startup AirDnD is hoping to help connect fans of the classic role-playing game (RPG) Dungeons and Dragons with local residents who have vacant kitchen tables.

Google Bus

Google Buses Are Everywhere Now

It seems like you can’t go to a single street corner in San Francisco without encountering one of Google’s orange-accented Muni buses.

Google buses: Are they really as safe as they'd like us to believe?

Google buses: Are they really as safe as they’d like us to believe?

Protests against Google buses turned violent when the Giants won the Super Bowl

Protests against Google buses turned violent when the Giants won the Super Bowl

Make your own Google bus

Make your own Google bus

Sometimes the Google bus can be crowded with Google employees

Google buses: overcrowded or incredibly popular?